Red Arrow Park Redesign RFQ

Red Arrow Park, one of Downtown’s centrally located and most important parks, was identified as a priority project in the recently adopted Connec+ing MKE: Downtown Plan 2040. Public commentary gathered during the Plan update process led to the following goal statement regarding Downtown’s public realm: Invest in the public realm by improving streets, parks, and other public spaces in ways that encourage a more vibrant, inclusive and resilient Milwaukee.

Milwaukee Downtown, BID #21, with its project partners, the City of Milwaukee and Milwaukee County, are now seeking to bring this goal statement and recommendations to fruition in this key public space by issuing a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for the redesign of Red Arrow Park. The redesign process will include extensive public engagement and stakeholder outreach.

All details pertaining to this RFQ can be found at the following link(s):

Red Arrow Park RFQ RFQ Attachment Packet Addendum 1: Question Responses